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Can we find deeper story themes if we put our cell phones down? by Eva Lefoy


Technology plays havoc with a writing career. Just admit it. While constantly checking one’s phone, one cannot focus all of their mental power on achieving a different goal, such as answering a story question. One cannot even begin to listen in order to access the internal part of oneself that just may hold the answer. And, more importantly, this constant to-and-fro may just ruin our stories.


I sometimes find time to read books. On my laptop or my tablet mostly, so I’m just as guilty as all the rest of being a techno addict. I read mostly ebooks, electronic books if you will, and I prefer the short ones. Shorter the better, actually. If I accidentally download a 300-pager, that sucker goes right to the bottom of the TBR pile! No kidding. I’ll go into my hard drive and sort books by size, looking for the shortest book I haven’t read yet and I’ll read that one first.

Yes, I DID make it through Game of Thrones book I, but it seemed to have cemented my hatred of giving hours of my life over to a book that in the end, didn’t make a huge difference to me. Not that many of the shorter ones do either, and that’s sort of my point.

Yes, I read short books – I even write them, too! Guilty as charged! And I see a lot of them have a sprinkling of plot, an instant attraction built in and a hurry-up-and-get-to-the-sex flavor. Again, I’m guilty of this same scenario myself. In a short work there’s not much time to work in too many elements. But that’s exactly my point.

So if we continue as a society to speak in sound bites and keep our addiction to constant social interaction and interruption going, our short attention spans might get even shorter! Soon we’ll have a one-page affair, two pages of sex and a climax. (No pun intended!) But where will the goods be?

What happens to us as writers if we don’t turn off the techno and don’t just sit and go within and try to find the deeper answer to the story questions at hand? What’s deeper than quickly manufactured love is the question currently kicking around in my brain. What does it look like? Is it a romance or something else? Is it depressing – like a post-apoc novel – or is it simply two people that don’t fall in love/lust but form a different, unique bond? And above all else, will the story sell?

I think there’s a need to writers to go deeper right now, to seek out answers that aren’t all slap-dash clit stroking and wham-bam I love you’s. I think that part of our sales woes right now (besides the fact it’s September), is that readers are keyed into the rather serious world changes happening around us and they aren’t looking for someone to tell them how great it is to fall in love and have mind blowing sex. They’re looking for more than that. Security maybe? Trust? Alliance? Reassurance? Some of those story themes can’t be unearthed in our ten free seconds a day, IMO. They require more and we as writers should give these things as must time as we possibly can.

Right after we check our email.

Thanks for reading!


Book Blurb:


Security Core agent Everett is assigned a special case—protect the daughter of Simon Gold, the father of modern mechanoid life. To ensure her survival, Everett’s given a special EMO upgrade, and can experience love for the first time. He’s soon head over heels and the super-charged sexual attraction threatens to fry his circuits while he fights to stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

Samantha Gold detests her father’s work. She’s an off-the-grid back-to-lander who wants to keep life simple with her cows and her crops. When her father dies and inadvertently transfers a secret code to a hidden receptor in her brain, it’s only android Agent Everett who can protect her. Can she ever forgive her father for creating Everett—a man so perfect for her that he even loves her cows?


Buy Links:

Decadent Publishing


Amazon UK


**Giveaway: One .pdf copy of Download My Love. Comment to enter. Contest ends 9/28 at 11:59PM EDT.**
Author Bio:

Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.






Author: emilycale

Erotic romance writer. Runs on caffeine and wine. Don't feed after midnight.

11 thoughts on “Can we find deeper story themes if we put our cell phones down? by Eva Lefoy

  1. I hope everyone appreciates the fact I’m giving away and ebook about an android after my technoogy is ruining our stories rant. Just sayin’!

  2. Wait. Did I really write this post or was it my doppelganger?

  3. I sure hope somebody comes up with an answer….. please!

  4. Well, I’m pretty sure you wrote the post, unless your android did, lol.

    What’s deeper than quickly manufactured love? What does it look like? Will it sell? I don’t know. Regardless of how love happens between two characters (instant or slow), it’s still love.

    I like stories where love happens almost instantly, but I love and adore and will re-read stories where love is hard to come by or requires immense effort to have. Are those stories depressing? Hm, depends. Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic stories tend to be that way, but so do some New Adult stories. Bad thing? Not really. (It can be overkill for me though. Too much angst and shit makes me edgy and bitchy, which isn’t good for everyone else, lol.) The effort put into loving someone is what makes me fall in love with a character. I don’t give a crap if they’re billionaires, shifters, bikers, mercenaries, or whatever. The characters could be dirt poor, but if they put effort into showing each other how true, honest, everlasting, and unconditional their love is for one another, I’m sold.

    A story about this kind of love doesn’t have to have sex in it. Some of the greatest love stories I know of in real life are great because of the work put into the relationship, not how great the couple is in bed. And there’s something incredibly deep about that kind of a relationship. The people involved are so entwined and attuned to one another it’s often hard to find where one ends and the other begins.

    I think it’s hard to write this kind of a story though. In a world where time is precious, a reader might not be so inclined to sit and read a 300 page novel if they can read a 100 page novella instead. Me? I’m not like that. Novellas are fillers for my “need to read something” craving. But novels… They’re like Godiva chocolate. Decadent, sweet, mouthwatering, and worth savoring.

    Reading back, I’m not even sure I answered your questions, lol. Hope I did.

    • Miriam you make a good point about YA. I wouldn’t call the Twilight series a happy story by any means and there’s not a lot of sex in it. I guess my issue is, if you’re used to writing erotic, can you write that tight, searing love story without the sex and pull it off?

      My alter ego – heck, maybe it’s an android! – likes historical works. There’s not a lot of sex there unless it’s Game of Thrones LOL or The Tudors, which I’m currently watching on Netflix. I wonder if I can pull of a Steampunk post-apoc YA? Hmmm

      • I think it’s possible. It would take a ton of concentration to do it though. Inserting sex scenes into a clean love story would be a hard to resist temptation, but not impossible. The author would need a terrific support person/team to work with them, people who will unashamedly let them know when they’re veering too far to the left.

  5. I am a fast reader so I love longer story’s. I don’t like the very short story’s, just saw one on amazon for $9.99 for 78 pages and another for $3.99 for 12 pages. To me this is a rip off. I understand that time concerns make it difficult to write longer story in fact I have a WIP and it takes a lot of time to write 6 pages. Between checking email, commenting on FB and blogs and everything else, I’ll probably be 80 years old before I finish. I was told I need at least 22,000 words to get it published. Good thing I’m retired. I liked your post.

  6. See, I would run away from reading a 100, 000 word novel unless it really really hooked me. I guess my question is, what is it about love and relationships that really hooks a reader? how to replicate that in this -let me check my email – world?

  7. Thanks Jocelyn!

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